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  • Sweeping away stigma - tackling mental health issues through film. Bess Lavigne is a gifted curler who doesn't curl competitively, because of an anxiety disorder she's been afflicted with since childhood, and, who ultimately finds redemption while coaching four down-and-out women struggling with their own issues.
  • The Sculpture is a film set in Italy in the contemporary world. The film deals with love, with trampled art, with prostitution, with transvestism and with the situation of the sculpture in Italy.
  • A Korean American family during the holidays. A play on words Happy Hollow (empty) days as opposed to feeling fulfillment (Full of love, success, joy, achievement) as explored through the relationships of the family and the three sisters. The youngest sister Melanie, and her boyfriend Layne are in a codependent relatio…
  • 电影
    独闯龙潭案中案 火爆血腥天地裂   年度十足猛片 火力超强震撼   痛失爱妻的阿航,为了年幼的儿子,将儿子托付给她深爱的阿萍,只身来到香港。一心想发财的他却不料误入黑社会,当他在圈内出生入死、拼得一席之地时,却意外发现自己即将失去所得的一切。阿航欲洗手不干,离开这是非之地,然而人在江湖身不由己,眼见身边的亲人一个个被残杀,…
  • 当领养发展中国家的孩子不再是一种源自内心的举动,而成为了解决西方国家人口出生率低的一种产业,试问,初心仍在吗?影片为我们展现了一个联系着世界各地的故事。这一故事很好的诠释了什么是最善意的初衷却酿成了灾难性的后果。我们的镜头记录了来自不同国家的生父母和养父母,展现孩子与生父母在一起的最后时光,以及孩子跟养父母在西方世界开…
  • 1975年2月、南ベトナム--。日本人商社員・杉本俊夫は、テト(旧正月)でにぎわうサイゴンの町で、祖国を遠く離れた勝手気ままな生活を思う存分楽しんでいた。だが、ある日、杉本は殺人事件を起こしてしまった。ふとした偶然から、現地雇いのベトナム人・フンを殺してしまったのだ。金と力にまかせて自由気ままに他国で振るまっていたこの一人の日…
  • The novice Christian discovers a new world when big-time pick up artists Karl and Leo decide to teach him the tricks of their trade and change him into the kind of guy girls want to sleep with.
  • 肥胖的艾玛是车站的广播员,她的声音非常甜美.因为肥胖,她从来不喜欢参加公众活动,除了工作,她喜欢在家里看香港的动作片.工作的时候,艾玛总会看到一个帅哥,她和她的好友维拉称他为完美先生.艾玛在网上认识了史蒂芬,两个人都喜欢动作片,打电话聊的很投机.其实史蒂芬就是那个完美先生.史蒂芬的女友劈腿,史蒂芬与她分手,面对艾玛,他总是犹犹豫豫.既…
  • Chris has come to the shop with his dad to spend his pocketmoney- his heart set on getting a boncy ball. But when he gets to the toy aisle, he soon discovers that all of the balls in the ball cage are bright pink… except for one deflated green ball.