- In its heyday, the Lorraine Hotel saw its fair share of guests, laughter and good times. But now that the aging inn is well past its prime, owner Lillian Garber must decide whether to repair the Catskills landmark - or sell to developers. As Lillian and her zany staff enjoy what may be the Lorraine's best- and last-sum…
- 某日,拥有“魔王因子”的魔王候补·春日新,无意中触碰到TRINITY SEVEN之一·浅见莉莉斯的魔道书《赫耳墨斯外典》,在那瞬间被耀眼的光包围,眼前出现了一名神秘少女。 被命名为“莉莉姆”,将新和莉莉丝当成双亲来尊敬的少女。但,在少女出现的同时,世界发生了异变—— 觉醒的禁忌之“悠久图书馆”。 炼金术的究极产物——经由人之手创造的“…
- FORGED IN FIRE features world-class bladesmiths competing against each other to create some of the most iconic edged weapons from history. In each episode, four of the best bladesmiths in the country will come together to put both their skills and reputations on the line. Whether they are making a Japanese katana, a me…
- ある日、“魔王因子”を持つ魔王候補・春日アラタが、トリニティセブンの一人・浅見リリスの魔道書『ヘルメス外典』に何の気なしに触れた瞬間、眩い光に包まれ、目の前には謎の少女が姿をあらわす。「リリム」と名付けられ、アラタとリリスを親と慕う少女。だが、少女の出現と同時に、世界に異変が―。目覚める禁忌の“悠久図書館”。そこには、…
- 某日,拥有“魔王因子”的魔王候补·春日新,无意中触碰到TRINITY SEVEN之一·浅见莉莉斯的魔道书《赫耳墨斯外典》,在那瞬间被耀眼的光包围,眼前出现了一名神秘少女。\r\n 被命名为“莉莉姆”,将新和莉莉丝当成双亲来尊敬的少女。但,在少女出现的同时,世界发生了异变——\r\n 觉醒的禁忌之“悠久图书馆”。 炼金术的究极产物——经由…