- Injured, tired and confused and taking refuge in an abandoned trench, two deserters must decide the best course of action to stay alive after the results of a secret weapon used by the enemy begin to spread past the battlefield. When a Green Beret stumbles upon their trench on his way to a place called the 'Safe Zone',…
- Four friends (two couples) play a game of truth on the evening after one of them, Ernesto, is mistakenly told by a doctor he has only three months to live. Ernesto's a sad sack, living with Lea at his parents', about to lose a job he got through his best friend, Alberto. Ernesto is also hopelessly in love with Alberto'…
- Joey suspects his girlfriend of two years, Jennifer, is cheating on him. He is so convinced that he enlists the help of his cousin Steven to create a Video Diary of his attempt to catch her in the act as well as to document the heartbreak she is putting him through. In an attempt to make her feel guilty, he intends to …
- B-24轰炸机在第二次世界大战中被称为“隐身美女”,它在二战期间从达尔文起飞,目的是完成历史上最长的轰炸使命,以阻止日本在南太平洋的进攻。1943年,“隐身美女”和另外10架飞机一起并驾齐驱,攻击位于婆罗洲巴厘巴板的石油精炼厂。由于目标位于后方数百英里,很多人认为这是一次自杀式的任务。在其飞行过程中,“隐身美女”在密集的热带暴雨…
- Frankie is in her forties, ambitious and successful. She works in the aerospace industry at Filton, designing surveillance drones for the military. Shes never married, and is completely in control of every part of her life. Her closest relationship is with her father, who worked as an engineer on Concorde. But her life…