- 娜美偶然得到一张珍兽岛的地图,据说那里埋藏着无价的宝藏,草帽海贼团的诸位不顾乔巴的阻拦,决定向这座小岛挺进。正在此时,海底火山爆发,将黄金梅利号抛向空中。机缘巧合,他们竟然被抛到了珍兽岛。这个小岛由会说人话的动物统治,它们的老国王麒麟狮已经仙逝,偶然跌落于此的乔巴被众兽奉为新的国王。乔巴拗不过众兽,权且任职。正当珍兽岛…
- IDFA DocLab Competition for Digital StorytellingThe portraits of the smiling young people on the photo wall could give you the impression that everyone is having a great time, but the South African artist Aluta Null doesn’t go along with all that pretense. In this interactive AR experience, winner of the XR Award at th…