- Miss Shetty是一位生活在伦敦的女权主义者,她希望永远保持单身。Mr. Polishetty来自印度特兰甘纳邦的海德拉巴,他想要一段稳定的感情关系。这两个人似乎处于生活的不同阶段,但不知何故建立了联系。
- A former figure skater and a former hockey player work together to void the mayor from closing the local skating rink.
- 透过喜剧的视角,这部纪录片以独特的方式呈现了战争的观点。喜剧演员们通过表演来维持一种正常、乐观和抗争的氛围,他们笑对战争,而非嘲笑战争。他们在战乱的乌克兰巡演,给那些最需要欢笑的人们带去快乐。
- Erica, who ends up as the entertainment at her ex-fiancé's wedding after reluctantly taking a gig at a luxurious island resort while in the wake of a music career meltdown.