搜索 Tâm

  • 电影生活
  • Paucartambo
    "Paucartambo" is an observational documentary developed in the “Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen de Paucartambo”, through a Maqta dancer and the Qollas troupe, intense encounters are portrayed that reflect the depth between the And…
  • 动漫生活
    单纯善良的北白川玉子(洲崎绫 配音)、外刚内柔的常盘绿(金子有希 配音)、我行我素的牧野神奈(长妻树里 配音)和外冷内热的朝雾史织(山下百合惠 配音),四位好友相互陪伴,度过了人生中最快乐的三个年头,如今,毕业季在即,面对尚且处于迷雾之中的未来,四个女孩心中有着隐隐的不安,但更多的,还是对日后生活的希冀和幻想。  玉子家中…
  • 这部电影讲述的是一个名叫苏亚的年轻人患上了一种非常罕见的遗传性卟啉症,晒多了太阳会出人命。所以苏亚无法白天出门享受精彩的生活,他只能尽量利用晚上的时间活动。由单亲妈妈养大的他,通过电视慢慢地爱上了一个漂亮的电视节目主持人桑加娜。尽管如此,他并没有告诉桑加娜他的特殊的身体状况,因为他担心她的反应可能会对两人的感情发展不利…
  • “毛脚女婿”是对未“转正”的准女婿之谓,指女儿带自己心仪的男子回家探望父母,即新女婿(婚前)初次上门叫"毛脚"上门。愣头小子"毛手毛脚",但女婿千万不要毛手毛脚,得罪了岳父岳母。要谨慎小心,先问清未来丈人丈母的"嗜好",然后投其所好,赢得美人归。Aman是个巴基斯坦摇滚明星,Asha是个定居伦敦的旁…
  • Lucas wins a radio competition for $30,000, but the catch is that he needs to spend the night in an abandoned 'Hell House' house with a history of violence.
  • Inspired by real events, "Waiting for Kiarostami "focuses on the life of a medical student (Dorsa) at Ningbo University in China who has to choose between her father's wish for her to become a doctor, and her own passion to become a singer and an actress while Abbas Kiarostami wants her for his latest film in…
  • Mahal is a part of an elite squad of skilled hunters responsible for keeping the world safe from vampires and other creatures of the night. Her mission to rid the world of this undead threat becomes compromised when her fate intertwines with an aswang (a vampire of Philippine folklore).