- Set in the 21st century, a global socialist security organization is concerned over a new energy source, of possible alien origin, falling into the hands of one of the last remaining capitalist countries and turned into a super-weapon.
- The British fought the Second World War to defeat Hitler. This film asks why, then, did they spend so much of the conflict battling through North Africa and Italy?Historian David Reynolds reassesses Winston Churchill's conviction that the Mediterranean was the 'soft underbelly' of Hitler's Europe. Travelling to Egypt a…
- 東京の夜の街に気をつけろ!犯罪者の間では伝説となっている言葉。渋谷・六本木・新宿の夜の商売のどこかに、凄腕の潜入捜査官がいるという。キレイでセクシー。まさか刑事とは思えないぐらいに…。でも、わかっちゃいるけど、カワイイ女に会ってしまったら、隠し事なんて出来ないのが男の哀しいサガ。今日もまた、事件が解決されていく…。
- Three strangers meet in a bar. And talk about children, Thailand and the Latin names of fish.A theatre ensemble celebrating their final show is more or less taking over the pub. The regulars feel pushed out of the way. A great mix of characters crowding together and amusing conversations in a film as bang on target as …