搜索 Udo

  • O Diabo do Entrudo
    Lazarim’s shrovetide is one of the most ancient celebrations in Portugal. The film explores the caretos and their elaborate costumes, reflecting on gender dynamics and the continuation of ancient customs handed down between generations in …
  • 电影
    The plot introduces us to a psychologist who suggests to three couples that they engage in a group session, where they will have to analyse each other without her being present. In order to do so, she has left them a number of envelopes containing instructions on the things they have to address. The method she has prop…
  • 蓝色贝雷帽的成员来自社会各个阶层,既有犯罪记录者也有新兵,组建的第一天他们就奉命援助边防部队堵截越境的贩毒集团
  • An evil creature attacks a small mining town. A college student and a cranky outcast must uncover the mystery ysgou.cc of the creature's past to put an end to the bloodshed.
  • 意大利著名歌剧大师普契尼的最后一部作品《图兰朵》无疑是伟大的绝唱,剧中耳熟能详的著名咏叹调“今夜无人入眠”已经成为歌剧男高音的代表曲目,罕见的东方故事更给人留下深刻印象。当代著名导演罗伯特·威尔逊(Robert Wilson)以其标志性的极简主义和未来主义风格,颠覆性地重塑了这部意大利歌剧经典。罗伯特•威尔逊的舞台作品被誉为后现代…
  • 电影历史
    二战期间,德国纳粹为取得战争的胜利奇招迭出,他们希望研制出刀枪不入、力大无比的超级战士。但随着战争的结束,这项研究也被掩埋在历史的尘埃之中。  20世纪70年代,船长(John Carradine 饰)及两个助手驾驶着客船,载着四名游客行驶在加勒比的海上。突然天空变成一片猩红,电台和雷达同时失灵,客船遭遇海难。船长带领游客乘救生船逃生,…
  • 二战期间,一名美国战地老摄影师为了追寻他参军失踪的儿子,独自一人来到法国。在一次次目睹死亡及寻找无果后,老摄影师变得冷漠而孤僻。在一次爆炸中,他被送往医院开始接受治疗, 并在治疗期间认识了一名同样失去亲人的孤儿。在两人逐步的交往过程中,这名孤儿用自己对生命的希望为老摄影师创造了一棵用照片拼凑的“快乐树”。老摄影师被孤儿…
  • A young woman returns home after 13 years to her sick mother's crumbling hillside mansion and finds murder and swift death lurking in the dark.
  • Mr. Rudolpho's Jubilee is a romantic comedy with musical narration by Bright Blue Gorilla! It is the story of a world-famous Italian fashion designer who becomes disillusioned with his shallow life and decides to commit suicide during Berlin Fashion Week. Fortunately, his plan goes wrong and he's taken in by a group of…