搜索 Uliana

  • After the tragic death of her mother, Twelve year-old Juliana returns to the majestic Lake of The Woods, where her father owns a tourist lodge and it's about to go bankrupt. In a last-ditch attempt to save the lodge, dad organizes a high-stakes fishing derby. Powerless to help until she finds a legendary musky lurking …
  • 当死亡毫无预警地悄悄来到村里,带走身边一直倚靠的人,木讷的鳏夫和胆小的少年顿时成了失魂的浮萍。鳏夫依旧出海,但乐趣全失,最后在一名妓女身上找到性的安慰;少年依旧以机车为伴,梦想中彩券改变人生,但在他发大财之前,却和好友的姐妹陷入混沌不明的关系中。 马来西亚新锐导演胡明进大胆地以大象和海洋为意象,积极地以诗意的语言探索马…
  • 电影动作
  • In the summer of their lives, three women will discover what it means to be free.Kaleldo is a story told in three segments, each part seen from the eyes of three daughters in the span of seven summers in Guagua, Pampanga. Mang Rudy (Johnny Delgado) is a widowed wood carver who wields an iron hand over his children.His …
  • 罗伯塔来到威尼斯,担任一个音乐教职。外出购物时,她遇到了洛伦佐,他是一个艺术家,对他的主题有着非常实际的处理方法。他把自己倾注到她的生活中,很快就把她带到威尼斯更为肮脏的一面和他自己的风流韵事中去了。他鼓励她尝试不同的事情,比如在夜总会里狂欢,打扮成男同性恋,以刺激两个船夫打架。她可以在工作中看到他,并意识到正在发生的…
  • 这是一部反映电影人生活的电视剧,通过曲折、复杂的故事情节,展示了演艺圈中的人情冷暖和悲欢离合。年轻漂亮的齐亚拉不顾父亲切萨莱的反对,只身到罗马参加电影学院的考试。齐亚拉的母亲格劳丽娅是电影城的制片,与切萨莱分居多年,对于女儿的决定不以为然,然而,身为道具师的姐姐玛尔塔却对妹妹表示了热烈的支持......
  • 巴西导演Luiz Fernando Carvalho的故事片处女作,171分钟的长片。情节和主题意味深重:通过一个离家出走的年轻男孩子,讲述了巴西乡间,一个虔诚的基督教家庭的悲剧。这家庭,太充满爱意,太圣洁,太有序、太美好了,连镜头都沉于安稳之中,流动于井然安详的条理,静穆在神圣的威严之下。而那欲望、那热情,太炽烈,太狂放、太撕心裂肺,它暴露…
  • A retelling of Sir Ernest Shackleton 's ill-fated expedition to Antarctica in 1914-1916, featuring new footage of the actual locations and interviews with surviving relatives of key expedition members, plus archived audio interviews with expedition members, and a generous helping of the footage and still photos shot on…
  • 今晚丹尼尔秀
    The Noite com Danilo Gentili (English: Overnight with Danilo Gentili is a Brazilian television program hosted by the stand-up comedian Danilo Gentili, which is currently produced and broadcast by SBT. Gentili, previously, presented for about three years the Agora É Tarde, from March 29, 2011 until December 31, 2013, on…
  • James Russo stars as an American teacher in Rome who falls for the beautiful Bianca and enters into a torrid affair made even more frenzied when she buys him an expensive leather belt... she wants to be whipped... based on the novel by Alberto Moravia.