- 皮特是一家高科技婚介公司的经理,公司的名字叫:“爱情呼救”。最近他正被一个客户搞的焦头烂额。这个人叫托米,是一个富有的暴发户。他痴恋着维罗尼卡,一个可爱的幼稚园老师。为了捕获她的芳心,皮特的计划是租下一座城堡并捏造出一个虚幻的家庭。为的就是给他们创造出一个理想的“伊甸园”。Single father Peter is the head of…
- 影片基于暴力恐怖大师H.P. Lovecraft的一个故事改编。这部令人毛骨悚然的影片讲述了一位玩偶主将一群人关押在黑暗和死亡的活地狱中,玩偶主掌控着他们每一个人的命运。一个接一个,这些被俘获的人在令人无法忍受的痛苦中醒来— 一些只是受了些轻伤,有些却是致命的。而活着的人同样还要忍受规定在这场游戏中只有一位赢家的未知恶棍精神折磨。
- The Bay Boy is a 1984 Canadian film. It is a semi-autobiographical film based on director Daniel Petrie's experiences of growing up in Glace Bay, a mining town on Cape Breton Island, during the Great Depression. It features the screen debut of Kiefer Sutherland as the film's central character.
- A frazzled working mother starts a garage band with her neighbor and a female postal worker.In "Rita Rocks," Nicole Sullivan stars as Rita Clemens, an overworked wife and mother in the middle of a full-blown identity crisis — which includes trying to maintain romance with her husband Jay (Richard Ruccolo), ju…