- From TWI STUDIOS ( The fun, friendly makers of: FRANKENPIMP!, VIXEN HIGHWAY 2006: It Came From Uranus, & ACID HEAD: The Buzzard Nuts County Slaughter ), comes this reimagining /regurgitation and re-dubbing of a classic silent horror flick! Shot in mind-shattering 2D (& 36DD), featuring T&A and epic voice-over 'voom', b…
- Three documentary makers, are heading home from Burning Man in their RV and decide to pull off into the desert to camp for the night. Things get creepy. With their 5 RV cams running 24/7, we see everything that happens...even things they don't see.
- 人気セクシー女優・朝比奈あかり主演のシリーズ第3作。犯行現場でエクスタシーに達すると、被害者が最後に見た映像を見ることができる特殊能力をもつ女刑事の活躍を描く。東堂遼子は警視庁捜査一課の刑事で、屋内殺人事件検挙率ナンバー1の実績があった。彼女は特殊能力で犯人が判ってしまうのだ。そしてまた、病院で入院患者が殺されるという事…