搜索 Usé

  • 电视剧
  • 电视剧
  • 电视剧推理
    继将好兄弟Wilson的爱车开进旧情人Cuddy的客厅后,备受伤害的House终于在等待假释的看守所内找到了新的刺激。当然,编剧没有忘记为House安插新的小朋友进行调教:这次被House征服的是具有一副混血面孔的美丽女医生Adams。  House在新剧集里再次展现了惊人的天赋。过人的观察力、大胆的推理、剑走偏锋的行事风格和神乎其技的查体功底一览无遗。…
  • 电视剧搞笑
  • 电视剧剧情
    在本季首集中,House和Cuddy为上季结尾时的“表白”继续努力--他们希望他们的关系能维持下去。与此同时,普林斯顿教学医院知名的神经外科医生患上疾病,不得不缺席多场手术,威胁到医院作为一级急救中心的信誉。为了尽快治好这名同事,豪斯的医疗组想了很多办法。但他们发现这名同事的 豪斯医生 第七季问题并不仅仅是疾病,还有深层次的原因。…
  • 电视剧剧情
    第一集的故事发生于Wilson的女友去世八周 以后。很明显,在这种打击下,他已经了无生趣了,不管医院工作多忙,或者House怎么刺激他,他都完全提不起精神来。面对这样一个活死人,当House遇到麻烦,或者需要与人分享各种好主意或馊主意时,他该投向谁的怀抱呢?好在这个难题在第二集就有了答案——某个尖酸刻薄的私家侦探的出现,使House有…
  • Haunted House
    Memories of a loved one: The camera explores the dark confines of a flat. Light is still burning in the kitchen; objects are scattered haphazardly on the living room tables. The eyes follow into the labyrinthine self, now turned into space, of a once familiar and now absent person. The narrator’s voice begins by assert…
  • Hauspausen
    There are large paintings showing views of houses wherever you look. Each house is meticulously outlined; at first glance, they all look the same. Sometimes they keep their distance from each other, sometimes they seem to float in the void. Combined in ever new arrangements, these houses seem strangely unlocalised. Wit…
  • Kartenhaus
    The film is an intense drama about two and a half couples. Three girlfriends and two men meet with different intentions and have to realize just how little they really know about each other. On the beautiful island of Mallorca, the ugly truth reveals itself. No one actually wants that, it just happens. The house of car…