  • Barret Michaelson (Robert DiPatri) is having a bad first day at his new high school - he is badgered, ridiculed, and nearly beaten up. He finds an unlikely ally in local loner Ryan Walker (Eion Bailey), an intelligent but misanthropic youth with a dark family past. A friendship quickly develops, but Barret begins to wo…
  • A girl tragically consumes a full vial of LSD and quickly succumbs to a bizarre fantasy world, with strange beings and a magical obelisk that might be her portal home.
  • 巴黎街头绿衣侦察兵正在查探敌情,不料城市上空风云变色,一架UFO惊现法国首都,这位天外来客不由分说化身拆迁大队,一路拆完凯旋门又直奔巴黎铁塔,市民见状皆作鸟兽乱散,昔日的繁华顷刻间化作瓦砾,地球军民殊死反抗却不能伤及对方分毫,或许人类文明难逃此劫……突然间,巨型橡皮糖从天而降,气氛变得更加怪异滑稽……
  • 家族性遗传精神分裂症,一个恐怖的魔咒,盘桓在少女段艾的头顶,无法逃脱,令人绝望。母亲是在她这个岁数发病杀死了她的父亲;姥姥也是在她这个岁数发病勒死了她姥爷;姥姥的二姨同样在这个岁数发病枪杀亲夫……现在段艾已经到了这个岁数,疯魔正悄然逼近。段艾的养父李成名是医院精神病科的主任医师,而在他手下实习的医学研究生修礼,则是段艾…
  • American Scumbags is the new full length feature by Denver filmmaker Dakota Bailey. The film features three interconnected stories revolving around heroin addicted drug dealer/hitman Johnny (Dakota Bailey), sadistic psychopath convict Billy (Darrien Fawkes) and drug kingpin Chester (Fred Epstein). The film takes the vi…
  • Two lovers are on the run in this psychedelic fairy tale that blurs lines of sexuality and identity.
  • A young man from Philadelphia is grappling with the sins of his past as he buries a body far from the city in an old Pennsylvania logging plot. In the midst of digging a shallow grave, a tree falls, injuring him and pinning him to the ground. A nearby bow hunter, startled, drops his bow and runs towards the sound of th…
  • When sardonic high school senior Sophie O'Dea inherits her neurotic grandmother's car, an old automobile named Star, she is told the car has magical powers. But when Sophie casually makes a wish upon Star for a date to the Valentine's dance, her wish comes true in the form of Drake, a famous upcoming actor from Los Ang…