搜索 Varg

  • 电影犯罪
  • 电影剧情
  • 据说是阿根廷的极少主义电影大师,利桑德罗·阿隆索这部63分钟的电影看起来像630分钟。说是蔡明亮式的镜头语言,布莱松式的声效特征。讲的故事:一个导演等着出席自己电影首映式,在楼里面走来走去;最后电影开始,一共有三个观众:他自己,收票小姐,和引座员。这不是滑稽电影,而是对于电影的自我意识。
  • For Sao Paulo, the early 1930, the Interim government of Getúlio Vargas becoming a dictatorship. There was unhappy throughout the country, but only if raised in paulistas weapons. The civil war lasted three months. Here, there were about e…
  • Milan (40) has three children and does construction work in Germany in order to provide for his family in Slovakia. While visiting his home over Christmas he discovers that his eldest son Adam is a member of a para-military youth group. The boy is involved in bullying and the death of a class-mate. The father has to de…
  • “黑色金属在九十年代遍地开花,也带来一股自杀与谋杀的怪像,许多教堂也遭到人为纵火,究竟黑色金属是什么?这部由Aaron Aites和Audrey Ewell执导拍摄的纪录片,以许多充满魄力的惊人影像,详述黑色金属狂潮如何席卷欧陆,并在挪威造成震撼!Aaron Aites两人为拍摄本片更移居挪威数年,以最真实与亲密的镜头,记录下挪威重金属乐坛最活跃的时光…
  • 影片的故事在一个汽车修理师和他的徒弟之间展开,讲述了两人各自的爱情理想和生活际遇。由于该片充满着贴近生活的妙趣和智慧,因此在斯洛文尼亚上映后获得了惊人的票房成绩,是2007年本土收入最高的剧情电影。此外,在斯洛文尼亚电影节上,本片也以超高支持率获得包括最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳男演员、最佳年度男演员、最佳剧本等五项大奖。
  • Mi Vida Loca tells the story of young Mexican-American women in Los Angeles and the struggles they have in a life of gangs, drugs, and personal betrayal. Mousie (Seidy López) and Sad Girl (Angel Aviles) are best friends from childhood, growing up in gang-infested Echo Park and remaining loyal to each other. But when Sa…
  • Twenty years after the original The Lovers' Guide exploded into the lives of the UK public, the ground-breaking guide is back with anot her no-holds-barred exploration of the pleasures of love-making.   To mark the anniversary of the series that has brought adult sex advice firmly into the mainstream, the latest instal…
  • 伊莎是个裁缝,和家人住在哥斯达黎加的一个小镇上。她和她的两个女儿都有一头浓密的长发,她们非常小心。它是编结和梳理,结仔细解开,口香糖费力地去除。不用剪刀。伊萨的丈夫、两个女孩的父亲阿尔西德斯想要第三个孩子——一个儿子。不过,伊萨不想再怀孕。她想把精力集中在工作上,已经有足够多的时间和两个孩子和一个家庭在一起,这是她自己…