贝尼托•弗莱雷(由José Luis López Vázquez饰演)是加利西亚地区(位于西班牙西北部)的一位商贩,同时也干些杂活,如给人带路、传递书信。但不为人所知的是,这位外表老实、忠诚的小贩,却是传说中吸血的狼人。不幸就这么发生了……本片改编自Carlos Martínez-Barbeito的同名小说,系由发生于19世纪中叶的真实历史事件改编而来。作品虽…
六七十年代另一位亚美尼亚电影大师的经典作,Henrik Malyan与Frunze Dovlatyan一起将亚美尼亚带入了现代主义电影阶段。这是一部纯亚美尼亚血统的民族传统剧,无论主创还是演员都是亚美尼亚本地人,无论故事还是主题都属于外高加索独特的影像风格。Calm of the mountain village is disturbed by the investigatio…
西班牙导演阿拉贡的处女作,获柏林影展甘地奖和最佳导演提名。阿拉贡是处在60年代以CARLOS SAURA为首的“西班牙新浪潮”和80年代以阿尔莫多瓦为主的“新西班牙电影”之间的一代。This Spanish drama explores an encounter between a well-educated mountain-climber and a young shepherdess who h…
新西班牙电影早期经典,奥斯卡最佳外语片提名,阿尔莫多瓦的西班牙电影十佳之一。A 43-year-old woman discovers she is actually a man...A woman living in a small town discovers after fifty years that she is actually a man. Will she change her sex and suffer the rea…
During the 90s, in the city of Valença (Rio de Janeiro state), three teenagers embark on a personal journey marked by the disillusion of the end of an era, sexual discoveries and Renato Russo's songs.