搜索 Veda

  • 剧情梗概:小猫卓巴终于迎来了自由自在的日子,因为他的主人去度假了。一天,阳台上落下了一只垂死的海鸥,还有蛋壳里未孵出的小鸟,善良的卓巴答应她照料小海鸥。小海鸥出生了,卓巴和朋友们开始教他本领,但不幸发生了,小海鸥被綁架了……
  • 法国导演克里斯蒂安-波韦达因拍摄其08年作品《La Vida Loca》的续作《Las maras》而被黑帮枪杀。在中美洲,人们称他们maras。这是一群年轻人,他们仿效洛杉矶的黑帮建立起自己的组织。他们在萨尔瓦多播撒下种子── 骇人、恐怖的种子。这个研究的主题是:来自美国的暴力。帮派由年轻人组成,他们的身上绣满了纹身,专门从事武器和毒品的走私,他…
  • Justin is a film editor surrounded by performances. Sick of sitting in a dark room watching others, he starts to envision ‘70s cabaret style performances of his own. When a new relationship starts to develop, Justin has to decide how badly…
  • When a photographer encounters the practice of Vodou cartography while on assignment he becomes enchanted with the visceral artwork and ceremony witnessed. But the experience embeds itself in his psyche and his interest in vodou becomes more than an inspiration, more than a passion, more than an addiction. Through his …
  • Francisco Morázan has been in Costa Rica for five months where he has been appointed Provisional Chief of State. It has called for elections to install a National Constituent Assembly, which should be a legal structure to the Costa Rican s…
  • 电影灾难
  • 电影生活
  • 动漫冒险
    When her babysitting business takes a hit, Skipper takes a summer job at the water park. Here she can quickly put her skills as a nanny to good use.
  • 动漫冒险
    Follow a boy and his fire truck in a fantasy world where talking vehicles live, work and play with the humans who drive them as they team up with their friends and teamwork to help their community.
  • 电影科幻
    《悖论》是一部扣人心弦的科幻剧情片,将时间旅行与智力较量融为一体。主角面临着一个看似不可能解决的难题,他必须在时间的迷宫中找到答案,否则一切都将陷入混乱。当科技进步到了令人难以置信的地步。时间旅行成为了现实,人们可以穿梭于过去和未来。 然而,这项技术并非没有代价。在时间旅行的规则中,存在着一个悖论,一个不可逾越的限制。