搜索 Vena

  • 电影科幻
  • 本片是关于Neale Walsch的真实故事,他在人生中最困难的时候向上帝发问。而他从上帝或者说是他内心中获得的答案成就了一本销量超过七百万、被翻译成34种语言的畅销书。本片讲述了他经历了大起大落的戏剧性旅程而最终成为畅销书作家故事。   Adapted from the books by Neale Donald Walsch that inspired and cha…
  • Tom Waits 在1990年为舞台剧《The Black Rider》配乐和填词,是Tom Waits与垮掉派William Burroughs在德国合作的一部舞台剧。在排演过程中德国WDR电台一直跟踪拍摄排演情况并在该剧演出之后制作了这一部三十分钟的纪录片。有舞台排演过程,演出片断,音乐录音片断等等。剧情讲的是一个年轻人与魔鬼交易的事情。舞台风格和化妆比较夸张,很重的表…
  • In Curuguazu, located in the Argentinian countryside, seventeen year-old Daniel Montero has been raised by his grandmother for three years since the death of his parents in a car accident. Daniel has a boring life, working in a poultry processing plant and meeting his friends in the square to make small talk. He saves …
  • 苏妲在布宜诺斯艾利斯以开计程车为业,女司机在当地仍不多见。有一天,她偷了一部计程车,漫无目的直驶南方,打算到阿根廷的另一端落脚谋生。可惜她的运气很背,当她开到巴塔戈市郊的时候,车子「卡」在断桥上,挂在空中动弹不得。惊吓之余,她下车前往离抛锚点最近的一个小镇求援。苏妲进入小镇的第一件事,试著和当地人先交朋友,心想打好关系…
  • A story about love, violence and a bizarre shelter for men. This sensitive drama from director Philipp Muller-Dorn) follows the stories of several men who are victims of domestic abuse as they bond while living at a shelter and attempt to put their lives back together.
  • Simon Jacks (Rickman) seems to be on his way up. A bland young barrister (trial lawyer) specializing in tax law, he boasts a modest bachelor pad, a sports car, two girlfriends (Roxy for living-in, Sara for lunchtime quickies), an admiring secretary (played by Deborah Findlay,later of TMD), and an encouraging if insuffe…
  • Uneven and overlong but generally enjoyable thriller with tongue firmly in cheek, an engaging Hitchcockian premise, and plenty of action and stunts (as befits the rather misleading international title). Popular "Euro Cult" star Giuliano Gemma is a racing-car champ who suddenly finds himself embroiled in a mur…