- 书摊上放着一本名为《大力水手历险记(Adventures of Popeye)》图画书。一名瘦小的白衣小男孩买下这本书,边走边看。当他经过一个菜摊时,遭到强壮的大男孩的嘲笑。小男孩不甘示弱,和对方吵了起来,可是它毕竟打不过人家。书被扔到地上,人也被揍得呜呜直哭。突然,封面上的大力水手卜派(威廉·科斯特洛 William "Billy&q…
- The members of the Guarneri String Quartet have been together since 1964, and that makes them unique: the oldest professional string quartet, with its original membership, on the international scene. They did not reach this longevity by being always polite, kind and considerate to one another, as is shown in an excelle…