- 从匈牙利回来的约瑟芬一切都过得很顺利,她买下了一家收益不错的妓院开始经营。一天,警察将她抓去监狱,两位看守勾引她和他们乱搞,随后又将她和一群街头流莺关在一起。三个男囚贿赂了看守,和三个被关的街头流莺搞上,本来无动于衷的约瑟芬也忍不住加入其中。其中一个叫波尔迪的男人贿赂了法官,将他和约瑟芬一起释放。波尔迪带她到他的朋友法…
- East Berlin 1988 : Marco Kaiser does not work as it should. The 18 year old rebelling against parents and the system. That he , the son of the privileges profits Jürgen Kaiser as a high-ranking Stasi officer in East Germany enjoys holds not challenge them from the Party line father always him. When he and his new girlf…