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  • Le Quadrille des Diamants is a French TV movie aired on O.R.T.F. channel on 30 november 1957. 52 minutes. based on Conan Doyle's short story The Story of the Jew's Breast-Plate. Some names has been changed but the storyline is similar to the original story.
  • 该片围绕俄国军官鲍里斯·伊万诺夫与黄柳霜饰演的中国舞女海棠之间的爱情故事展开。Hai-Tang is a 1930 British-German drama film directed by Richard Eichberg and Jean Kemm and starring Anna May Wong, Marcel Vibert and Robert Ancelin.It was made at Elstree Studios a…
  • 这个动画根据真实故事改编,影片讲述了一户犹太人在华沙犹太人区的生活。主人公小男孩的命运揭示了二战时期犹太人生存环境的残酷。
  • 紀錄片載入了Rain與摯友金濟東喝酒談心的畫面,和前往奉安堂探望故母幷懷念母親的人性化的一面。紀錄片還包括采訪與Rain一同出演美國有綫電視臺著名節目《Colbert Report》幷大展舞技的斯蒂芬•科爾伯特,和共同出演沃卓斯基兄弟執導的《極速賽車手》的蘇珊•薩蘭登,以及著名導演朴贊郁和演員林秀晶等人的內容。該記錄片將于2月23日在韓國播…
  • 影片以一种粗糙的风格,通过独特的影像资料将现代战争的残酷后果充分展现出来。 电影描写了女人和孩子们在激烈的战争之后维持日常生活的能力。他们中很多人生活在帐篷或是废墟中,急需金钱、食物、水和电。其他人失去了家人,或是只剩下自己严重受伤了的孩子陪在身边。战争可以解决纷争或是带来和平吗?电影镜头跟随着这三个孩子一路走过战乱以…
  • Father Adrien had taken the vows of eternal silence, prayer and, of course, celibacy, when he entered the Trappist Monastry of Notre Dame d'Afrique in Algeria. One day, he chopped down a tree that blocked a part of the Monastery wall, but as it fell it knocked a young girl senseless. As Father Adrien bathes her face sh…