- 永远不要怀疑友谊的力量。《不可思议的好朋友》回来了。在第二季中记录了一些有关动物与不同物种的动物间或人类间可以形成特殊友谊的暖心故事。 一些故事表明,不同种类的动物间(没有任何共同点)可以以最出乎意料的方式结合在一起。 或者有时候,人类最好的朋友不是你想的那样。有时,种间生物或动物与人类之间的联系是如此之强,强大到使你对…
- Lea is a young girl on the brink of death. She begins her final challenge, a thesis that seeks proof in the belief that happiness can be multiplied, as can the feelings of sadness, loneliness, and misery. Unfolding the research, she discovers the "Werther Effect", a phenomenon that creates a negative domino e…
- Dentist Petar and his wife Marija are struggling to maintain the cohesion of their community on the outskirts of their nation’s capital, which has been disrupted by the construction of a council building. A year and a half after a devastat…
- Scared of life and lacking the courage to be himself, Ludovico lives hidden away in his grandmother's old apartment. One night, the wickedness of the world goes to visit him in the form of Jack, a boy who is Ludovico's age but has the opposite character: hard, determined, perhaps criminal. The forced cohabitati…