- The Vice Squad Franchise is a Crime Drama Procedural that spans the Globe exploring the lives of a select group of dedicated Detectives as they navigate to take down a web of dangerous international Human Trafficking rings.
- A mother and her son is runnings a rundown restaurant and are trying to keep up the appearance of glory days. But the staff is not pleased with their terms and the owners are not pleased with the staff, and above all this, personal problems and disagreements affects the atmosphere. At the end of the night it is more wa…
- Eddie Huang went to law school, got hired, got fired, told jokes, sold weed, did molly, opened a restaurant, wrote a New York Times bestseller, and now he’s here.
- Tom Service takes a cinematic journey through Russia on the musical trail of that Romantic giant, Sergei Rachmaninoff. Via Moscow, St Petersburg, Novgorod, Tambov (and Senar in Switzerland), Tom chronicles a classic tale of right man, wrong time.Born in Russia in 1873 and dying in America in 1943, not only did Rachmani…