搜索 Vig

  • When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuc…
  • 电影喜剧
  • Adam's first wife Lilith is mentioned in ancient Oriental legends, in Talmud and in the medieval books of Cabala. According to these sources, she was not created from Adam's rib like Eve but from clay like he himself. Nevertheless Lilith was not recognized by Adam as his equal and left him after a quarrel heading for B…
  • 在一个值得纪念的日子里,勇敢的布鲁托博士(品托•·考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)即将展开一次伟大的非洲探险。他和死对头兼好友大力水手卜派(杰克·梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音)在港口前互道珍重,两人笑呵呵地你一拳我一脚,看得出来虽然平时经常打架,但是彼此的友情非常之深。自从布鲁托离开后,大力水手的生活变得极其无聊,度日如年,无时无…
  • 这一天,我们的大力水手卜派(杰克·梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音)开办了一家针对女性的健身馆。他宣称健康才是一个人最大的财富,在他的影响下,包括女朋友奥莉弗(梅伊·奎斯托尔 Mae Questel 配音)在内的许多臃肿身材妇女纷纷走入他的健身馆 ,朝着健康的目标而 努力。因为合理控制饮食,旁边布鲁托(加斯•维基 Gus Wickie 配音)所开…
  • 电影
    民国期间,雷震天(黄秋生 饰)从他岳父那里继承当了一个军阀,由于这一切都是拜他岳父所赐,雷震天在家中没什么地位,经常被他老婆呼来喝去。雷震天的手下经常欺压百姓、无恶不作,对此他也没有什么办法,听之任之,激起了很大的民愤。因此雷震天经常遭暗杀,幸好他都一一躲过。一个晚上,雷震天被老婆骂完,独自一人化了妆跑到外面想寻欢作乐…
  • Graders is a chiller, set in a seafood factory in the Scottish Highlands.
  • Space researcher Dr. Moreau, thanks to a lottery winning, manages to bring to Earth an alien who supposedly has a solution for the problem of desertification caused by the stopping of the terrestrial axis. The alien explains that on their planet, which is diametrically specular to the Earth, the indigenous population s…
  • 这是一次色彩鲜艳而迷幻的旅程。经过四个月的奋战,导演Matias Vigliano完成了自己第一部动画作品。“我努力想尝试下用复古动画”,他如是说。