- From the first moment she kicked a ball, Marinette Pichon's life would revolve around soccer. Although her hometown in rural France didn't have a girls' team, her talent spoke for itself, and staying focused on the ball helped keep Marinette distracted from a toxic home life. As she ages out of the local boys' team she…
- Princess Georgiana is the black sheep of a fictional British Royal Family. A PR disaster, she's spent her spoilt, party-girl life plastered over the tabloids. On the back of her latest scandal her father, the King, makes the unprecedented move of abdicating his Australian throne in favour of his daughter. It is hoped t…
- Loosely adapted by Virginie Sauveur and Nicolas Silhol from Anne-Isabelle Lacassagne’s novel Des femmes en noir, the story begins when an old priest passes away and those in charge of his diocese discover that he was actually a woman. She …
- 主人公雷米原型取自世界经典名著《苦儿流浪记》。10岁的雷米被养父卖给街头艺人维塔利斯,雷米和维塔利斯、小狗、猴子开启了环游法国演艺之旅。维塔利斯教他识字、挖掘他唱歌的天赋。雷米体味旅行艺人的坎坷人生,学会生活、交朋友,维塔利斯像父亲和恩师一样滋养他。一首从小就在雷米心中流淌的神秘摇篮曲,牵引着雷米慢慢发现自己真实的身份,…