搜索 Viva

  • After decades of fascist rule in Chile, Patricio Guzman returns to his country to screen his documentary, Battle of Chile, which until the time of the filming was banned by authorities. His audience, a new generation of Chileans who remember little of the revolution and ensuing coup reflect on their experience of watch…
  • Una familia se va vacaciones a un resort de la Riviera Maya mexicana, alojándose en un hotel todo incluido: El cabeza de familia es Gonzalo (Ochoa), un arquitecto cincuentón, casado con Carmen (Vargas) y con sus tres hijos (Serradilla, Hig…
  • 电影剧情
    约翰(史蒂夫·布西密 Steve Buscemi 饰)是一名坏运气的赌徒,在牌桌上屡战屡败之后,约翰终于读懂了失败带给他的箴言,那就是让他放弃赌博,找一份工作,踏踏实实的去做一个普通人。就这样,约翰在一家汽车保险公司里得到了一份毫无前途的工作,在应付日常的各种琐事的同时,约翰还要抵抗内心的魔鬼。某日,约翰被上司派遣协助一位名叫维吉尔…
  • Near the end of the 20th century, WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) are retired. However, certain factions plan to use a science space station as a weapon against each other. The astronauts inside will decide the world's fate.
  • 电影科幻
  • 电影恐怖
  • Rosenwald, by Aviva Kempner, is a documentary about how Chicago philanthropist Julius Rosenwald, the son of an immigrant peddler who rose to head Sears, partnered with Booker T. Washington to build 5,400 Southern schools in African American communities in the early 1900s during the Jim Crow era. Rosenwald also built YM…
  • 电影剧情
    筱冢淳(筱原笃 饰)的妻子在数年前死于一场无差别连环杀人案件,凶手虽然被捉拿归案却因为一份精神鉴定报告而拥有了免死金牌。这些年来,筱冢淳努力工作,将全部的积蓄拿出来雇佣昂贵的律师,只为了能够为自己的妻子讨回一个公道,但事与愿违,就连律师都劝他放弃,生无可恋的筱冢淳想到了死。高桥瞳子(城岛瞳子 饰)和丈夫以及婆婆生活在同一…
  • 电影悬疑
  • 帕特里克-麦考德不接受他妹妹的神秘死亡是自杀的解释,而是与一队超自然现象调查员合作,深入研究围绕他认为是谋杀的莫名其妙的情况。该小组的调查使他们从一个离奇而可怕的线索中找到了另一个线索,而这个线索的中心似乎就在这里。