- Jessica and her companions Markus and Mike visit an abandoned factory. But the lost place turns out not to be that lost. Natalia Orlow and her paramilitary army try to hide a bigger secret. And they will keep anybody from leaving the facility alive.The course of events turns out to follow one evil plan of one desperate…
- There is a reality television crew that shows up at the motel. They are from the show, Ghost Encounters. They ask the owner for permission to video in search for ghosts. The owner of the motel gives them a tour of the place and tells them stories of murders and deaths that have taken place at the motel. He also shares …
- Alina - eleva de liceu - impreuna cu prietenul ei Sorin - student in anul I - si cu fratele mai mic, Viorel, pleaca intr-o excursie de doua zile la munte, dar lucrurile nu ies conform planului si sunt nevoiti sa aleaga o alta ruta. In drum spre o cabana ei se alatura altor tineri care au acelasi drum si a caror poveste…