- There are about 600 murders each year in the UK. So, what drives people to kill? Are some people born to kill or are they driven to it by circumstances?In this programme, Michael Mosley delves into the BBC archives to chart scientists' progress as they probed the mind of the murderer to try to understand why people kil…
- Set in the present times against two backdrops. New Delhi with its shining buildings and apparent cosmopolitan veneer, thinly veils an underbelly of crimes against women and corruption at all levels. And a small village just 80 kilometers from New Delhi that is stuck in a time warp. Kajarya a woman in her early thirtie…
- 繁华奢靡的大都市,纸醉金迷之夜,纽约的一切都迥异于赌城和迈阿密。这座繁华的超大城市究竟是文明进步的典范还是犯罪滋生的根源?是每日里快节奏的生活疏远了人与人的距离,还是害怕袒露内心的深情却引发出重重伤害?是冷漠计较占据上风,还是友善宽容更高一筹?前者是无数犯罪的根源,后者却是人类进步的希望。本季CSINY篇将继续前四季的故事…