- 可可小丑的外观和猪桃在马戏团 - 它总是在一个小城镇儿童和成人有趣的节日。但可怕的Chuchelische随时都准备着为这次庆祝活动没有发生,和孩子们的笑声变成了眼泪。这时,市政府是奸诈Kibernatora长,这需要密切马戏团可可逮捕,并与塞桃子的手中。两个朋友的孩子,切片,用好勇敢的船长番红花决定保存可可和桃和孩子回到了马戏团。
- The base of the International Space inspection was destroyed as a result of pirate attacks by an unknown military apparatus. Following this, commits suicide president of one of the most powerful Western corporations. However, to prove a direct link between these events were not initially successful. In the area of the …