搜索 Véra

  • On February 29th 1996, 11 people were found dead in Tokyo, Japan. This was the start of a series of events that will span a decade long investigation to find a notorious serial killer
  • The story of Lisa, a German based in Barcelona, which is about to marry Emilio, the son of a wealthy Catalan family. Lisa wants to convert to Catholicism, despite the refusal of her grandmother Ingeborg. Moreover, Lisa’s dreams will be truncated by other people during the film.
  • When Henry passes away he expects to go to Heaven, after all he deserves it for all the good he has done while alive. But due to a clerical error it looks like he might be going to hell instead. He has to convince Walburge the heavenly servant that there’s been a mistake, but it won’t be easy.
  • 本作担任监督的是秋田谷典昭,代表作有「爆漫王」以及「城下町的蒲公英」。角色原案由刚刚热播结束的动画「食戟之灵」的作者佐伯俊担任,他先前以帅气的画风的18x同人本成名在2011年开始尝试踏入一般向作品领域。动画人设由经验丰富的西田亚沙子担任,她曾经担任众多作品的原画以及作画监督,如「fate stay night第一话」以及「吸血鬼骑士gui…
  • How to Catch a Bird" is a stop motion short based on a childhood memory. When I was eight, my dad taught me how to fish. He told me to take the worm off the hook after fishing, but I had no idea why. After fishing I forgot about the worm and left it dangling on the hook. If I only knew then what the consequence of…
  • 电影家庭