- 害羞、患有失眠症的老烟枪彼得迈克高温是洛城当时很成功的剧作家,发表了一连串脍炙人口的作品先正遇到了十年来都未有好作品出陈的创作瓶颈。他的岳母一直在衰老中,一个陌生人正在附近漫步,邻居有一条一天到晚狂叫的狗,他的妻子想要一个孩子,但是他不想;他愈来愈无力了。一个单亲妈妈带着8岁的女儿版进了他隔壁房子的时候,他正在撰写一部…
- Violent action classic rape drama....Karen Lamm runs away from her Montana home to go to the city and gets viciously raped by mexican gang and sold to a high class Beverly Hills pimp Johnny Dee (well played by Vince Cannon). Jim Mitchum plays her brother who goes to Los Angeles looking for her with a help from Cathy Le…