- Ensemble cast of off-the-wall Warner Brothers characters, appearing in a wide variety of roles. Wakko, Yakko, and Dot Warner, are WB Studio creations who were just too "zany" to be of any use to the studio. Pinky and the Brain are two mice bent on world domination. Rita and Runt are a cat and dog team, who ge…
- 《海军罪案调查处》第2季NCIS是NavalCriminalInvestigativeService的缩写,直译过来就是海军罪案调查机构。这个隶属五角大楼的特别部门,专门从事与海军以及海军陆战队有关联的任何罪案调查。海军调查处被赋予了特殊的调查权,只要是案情需要,任何人都必须接受质询无论职务和军衔高低。NCIS小组每次都会遇到各式不同的案情,从谋杀、缉毒、谍报…