搜索 Waldo

  • Viramundo是一个富有同情心的人,也许有点傻,也许很聪明是个天才,当他决定离开生活了二十多年的小镇去用自己的能力改变这个世界时,他所遇到的将是一场奇异而荒诞的旅途。。。根据巴西魔幻现实主义小说家Fernando Sabino的原著改编,这部号称是巴西版“唐吉柯德历险记”的影片将巴西一个世纪的人文历史政治事件融会其中,在某些方面与后来的《…
  • Moradores de uma favela temem que o morro sofra um desabamento por causa das constantes explosoes nas imediacoes causadas por uma construtora. Eles decidem pedir ajuda a um pai de santo, que os aconselha a procurar um pescador "escolhido por Iemanjá" para assumir esta missao. Porém a construtora recorre aos s…
  • True story of Brazilian bank clerk who supplied money for the guerilla fighting against the military dictatorship of the 70s. When he changes his disguise, he gets involved with high society, and with industrialists who were financing repression to the groups he stood for.
  • A young boy is made heir of an inn and given to the relatives of the deceased providing they get the boy a good education and care for him. the boy doesn't want to leave his fatherly friend, the chimney sweep, and the first two times he shipped off to relatives prove to be very short affairs. then however everything se…
  • 杰瑞(亚当·卡罗拉 Adam Carolla 饰)曾是一位人人看好前途无量的青年拳击手,人称“重锤出击”,然而,他的职业路线并没有像他想象中那样顺利的发展,如今,40岁的他以教练的身份在一间拳击馆教课,他的学生们都是已经发福的中年男人。这一天,教练艾迪(Antonio Caballero 饰)喊来了杰瑞,让他和职业拳坛冉冉升起的新星布莱克(Jeff L…
  • Producer/director/cinematographer Andy Warhol presents an afternoon in a Manhattan apartment where Viva and Louis discuss social issues while lying in bed. Louis makes sexual advances and Viva giggles; they indulge in sexual foreplay and then intercourse. They talk about the Vietnam War, watch television, get dressed, …
  • 某个巴西的私人女子监狱裡,女囚们反抗守卫的虐待和性侵犯、人口贩卖,特别是监狱长,在监狱让妇女喝酒精并且用药片挑逗的的这好色作为。女囚们试图越狱,少数成功者,却也无法摆脱追捕和更加残忍的对待。