- 替身性伴侣(sexual surrogate)这个术语意思是指在性治疗师的指导之下,为没有定期性伴的女人(在罕见的病例中为男人)提供性治疗服务(“性替身疗法,sex surrogate therapy”)。这种类型的疗法在假定某些有性问题的客户需要性的行为实践的前提下开展治疗,并且为了能让这种客户进行行为实践,他们需要合作的性伙伴。如果客户没有他们自己的性伙伴…
- Plugging nicely into the RPG world of Delta Green, Rough Magik is about The Night Scholars, a clandestine organization setup to monitor the ancient cult of Cthulhu. After decades of compiling an enormous database of arcane information, they have come to a single, incontrovertible conclusion: the Sleeping God is waking.…
- 根据David Lodge同名小说改编的BBC4集电视剧。Dr Robyn Penrose is a lecturer in English at Rummidge University. Vic Wilcox is the Managing Director of Pringle's, an engineering firm in Rummidge. They meet when Robyn is told by her Head of Department …
- Twelve celebrites, including Jewel, Tony Hawk, Serena Williams and William Shatner, will be paired with six young stock-car racers who will train them how to race. The seven-episode series will culminate in a head-to-head celebrity race-off with each young driver coaching a celeb from the pit.