搜索 Washington

  • 弗杰是一名盟军士兵的小女儿,她的父亲在偷越进入敌军境内深望生病的妻子时被俘获。当杰得知父亲和另一个善良的北方军官被宣布判处列刑时,她立刻决定去和林肯总统来一次小会谈…… 秀兰.邓波儿扮演的是一个讨人喜欢的战争小英雄,剧中充满幽默的趣味,尤其是秀兰.邓波儿和比尔.罗宾逊的歌舞双重唱令印象深刻。
  • 电影剧情
  • When a rival gang buffs Malcolm and Sofia's latest graffiti masterpiece with a replica of the NY Mets home-run apple, they're determined to get spectacular revenge - by tagging the real Mets' apple. Over the course of a whirlwind two-day heat wave, these tough teens from the Bronx must hustle, scramble, and steal to ex…
  • 美国NBA传奇人物迈克•乔丹(Michael Jordan)在事业最顶峰之际引退篮坛,决定转入职棒。与此同时,怪物行星的太空游乐场经营遭遇窘境,游乐场老板派出手下的小怪物们前往地球,目的是绑架华纳公司包括兔八哥、太妃鸭、三只小猪等在内的动画片明星们为游乐场招揽顾客。为了维护自由,动画明星们紧急磋商对策,他们自作聪明认为外星怪物身材短小…
  • 电影历史
  • Jimmy Winterpock at age fourteen is 5'5 and weighs 187 pounds. Outside the comfort of his family and church, life for Jimmy is a constant struggle. The cruel taunts of his classmates make going to school or playing sports a humiliating experience. Yet, he still manages to focus on his goals; to lose weight and win over…
  • Chronicles the Mississippi voter registration drive from 1961- 64
  • 电影
    The fan-demanded sequel to the award winning, internationally distributed 2005 short film 'Dare.' Ben and Johnny, now in their early 30s, fortuitously run into each other at a party in Los Angeles after not seeing each other since high school, where they shared one slightly dangerous, very sexy, boundary-pushing night …
  • A moving and uplifting drama about the effects of interracial marriage in the 1960s. Friends since childhood, and loved by both families, this couple are exiled after their wedding and have to wage a courageous battle to find their place in America as a loving family.
  • MonamiWashington