搜索 Wein

  • 1810年,山区农民Raffl向法国占领军告发了抵抗英雄的所在地,他本是冲着赏金去的,结果最后一分钱也没得到
  • based on the true story of a mother searching for her son after the terrible riots in São Paulo---------orz----------Lúcia é a professora de piano que vê o filho adolescente ser preso após este se envolver num acidente de carro. Atrás das…
  • 黄河中部某煤矿。矿工广生(刘磊 饰)与师父日日下井,暗中却与师母(王澜 饰)维持着关系,师父胖大的傻儿子阿福(肖明 饰)与一头毛驴感情甚笃,即便撞破了广生与母亲之事也不明就里。不久矿山发生事故,师父生死,广生为自己本可救出师父却选择独自逃生而深深自责,他终止了同师母的关系,劝其离开。广生将残破的煤矿承包独自经营,阿福返回…
  • 卓别林是当之无愧的电影大师!电影是1975年完成,两年后卓别林就去世了。卓别林不仅仅是那个著名的喜剧演员、塑造了那个著名的流浪汉,而且他在很多方面彻底的改变了电影。卓别林的出现伴随着20年代默片黄金时代,在那时形成了美国电影中最早的一种类型片——喜剧片。而卓别林的喜 剧形象不同于以往出现的“丑角”。丑角来源于古代国王身边的小…
  • This 1993 documentary conceived and directed by Catherine Warnow and Regina Weinreich is an at times disturbing but always fascinating portrait of the enigmatic and reclusive author who many call the original expatriate and the godfather of the Beat Generation. Using the environment of present day Tangiers as a springb…
  • 公元3004年,地球自然资源已经衰竭,社会上高犯罪,无政府主义泛滥。有一个部族支配的这个社会,他们的邪恶首领PARISH(Lance Henriksen饰演)妄图摆脱这个温文尔雅的社会,壮大自己的部落……
  • RAINBOW BRIDGE is a loose "mystical voyage" story built around Jimi Hendrix's final concert performance at Rainbow Bridge, Hawaii. Not merely a concert film, however, the fictional drama spends most of its time following actress Pat Hartley, who travels to Hawaii and absorbs the local counter-cultural communi…