搜索 Weis

  • 莫伊卡(Mojca)是一个45岁,拼命想得到爱情和激情感的女人,有一天她成了前情人影像装置中的一个部件,从此,她的寻爱之旅变成了一个涉及电影中所有的人物和摄制组成员的疯狂历程。
  • 电影家庭
    莫迪(乔尔·巴斯曼 Joel Basman 饰)出生在一个非常传统的东正教家庭之中,父亲掌管着一家庞大的公司,莫迪是这家公司唯一的继承人。莫迪是那种一眼看上去就能够识别出来的犹太人,在家里,他也一直扮演着乖宝宝的角色,对古板而又虔诚的母亲(松妮·梅勒斯 Sunnyi Melles 饰)言听计从。时光飞逝,莫迪眼看着就要到了应该成家的年龄了,母亲开…
  • 探员约翰被控涉嫌谋杀自己的妻子及其奸夫,约翰的老拍挡荣森深信真凶另有其人,遂四出寻找线索。可惜案件的线索只有两组用血写成的字——"V.V 341" 及 "Rache"。约翰提议荣森到其家找一些福尔摩斯的侦探小说,希望能从中找出一些头绪。但在约翰家寻找线索之余,却发觉自己对约翰的女儿祖有着一份微妙的感情。另一方面,案件…
  • 电影恐怖
    一年前的连环杀人案,让埃本赛镇大学的毕业生马丁(Laurence Rupp 饰)、克莱门斯(Michael Steinocher 饰)和埃里克斯(Nadja Vogel 饰)等人接连死于非命。随着连环杀手哈斯太太的尸体被渔夫偶然发现,这起黑暗恐怖的案件似乎就此告一段落。侥幸活下来的妮娜(萨布丽娜·莱特 Sabrina Reiter 饰)如今在一家唱片店打工,准备展开新的生…
  • Chicago, 1920: Gangster Sam Dunleavy has just returned to town, and is visited by Al, a former childhood friend who is now a police officer. Al knows that Sam's girlfriend has just dropped him, and he warns Sam not to try anything violent. But Sam does plan to kill his ex-girlfriend, and he knows he needs an alibi. He …
  • Russia 1943, the German army is still deep in Russian territrory. The former Berliner worker Kurt Hartung, now a private in the wehrmacht (German army) , just survived a Russian dive bomber attack. despite is comanding officer's order, to disarm a dud. As it turned out, almost a suicide mission. Shortly after this inci…
  • Mannheim-Heidelberg International Filmfestival  YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s)  1969 Won Grand Prize  Dusan Hanák  A government official in Czechoslovakia mistakenly believes he has cancer. He reasons his involvement in clandestin…
  • Anna is married to her teacher, Professor. Their marriage is a mutual agreement with no great feelings. Marriage gives both a status they need; love must be found elsewhere. Roland is a young man, beautiful body, transparent skin, clear eyes, a keen mind for wisdom. He falls in love with Professor, a man older than Rol…