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  • Tur Preda
    Tel Aviv, 2020. A second COVID lockdown is impending. After writing yet another article against Prime Minister Netanyahu, the journalist’s mobile is flooded with hateful messages. Meanwhile, he tries in vain to get to his autistic son at a…
  • In the last days of her mother’s life, 19 year old Tiffany crashes with five family members in a Las Vegas studio apartment. In order to make ends meet, her sister, a phone sex operator, introduces her to the world of internet fetish cam g…
  • 当撩人的美梦褪尽,衣衫褴褛、带着伤痕蹒跚离去之时, 需要一个或许残缺但坚定的信念带她回来。夜深,酒后,我们总会感叹:有些花儿自那天后再也未能见到, 当你以为她已在尘世中飘散凋零时,却瞥见, 她在荒城中静静的盛开着...
  • In a frat house where no one can be trusted, a new brother becomes the target of a masked killer.
  • 电影奇幻
  • In an attempt to reunite with her dead girlfriend , Maya evokes dark forces through occult rituals.
  • Jack Taylor finds an itinerant, eleven year old girl running for her life, covered in blood she collapses in his arms. It transpires that the girl has witnessed a murder. The Irish Guards - prejudiced against the Travellers and their rivaling clans - only investigate half-heartedly. Jack who is as erratic as a Travelle…
  • Red fights her way through a maze filled with assassins, monsters and maniacs she comes closer to discovering the truth behind the mystery and the mastermind behind the Slasher House.
  • 该片讲述了记者丁一为了揭开房地产销售内幕,他来到一家售楼处当起了售楼先生。在售楼部暗访时得知售楼小姐艾丽丽是一个利用自己的身体条件,色诱客户以达到销售业绩为目的销售房屋的内幕。从而揭示了大量不为人知的事情真相,行业的潜规则,描摹了底层社会众生相。
  • A few weeks ago, the National Health Service was hit by a widespread and devastating cyber attack - Horizon tells the inside story of one of the most challenging days in the history of the NHS.On the morning of 12 May the attack started. Appointment systems, pathology labs, x-rays and even CT scanners were infected - p…