- 致命机械消灭人类。这些毫无先兆的袭击令人们走在一起。在不断的追杀下,人类连同政府特攻初战变形战兵而首尝胜利。但无法想像的是,整个侵略部队即将从天而降!究竟人类能否再次结集起来,战胜这班变形战兵。
- PILLOW TALK follows the hilarity and drama experienced by four diverse couples and a pair of roommates, all in the intimacy of their bedrooms.
- Although their working environment is extremely conservative, some of the most prominent songwriters in the country music scene are gay women. Sadly, they realise all too well that a step into the spotlight for a solo career would equal professional suicide. With a special, particularly moving guest appearance by Linda…