- A large company tries to streamline the retirement process by compressing the entire operation into six minutes. . . . without inviting guests to the party. Using an effective juxtaposition of objective and subjective camera angels, Howard in Particular examines the strange and obsessive nightmares of one such retiree …
- After Chris's grandfather took a nasty fall down some stairs he was sent to an old folks home. He did not want to be there so he took Chris on a trip without asking his dad first. His dad went through a lot of trouble trying to find them.
- In einem ehemaligen Kino in Wuppertal studiert Pina Bausch mit ihrem Ensemble die Choreografie ihres Stücks "Walzer" ein. Klaus Wildenhahn beobachtet die Proben, das Erarbeiten von Gesten, Bewegungen, Haltungen, das spielerische …