- Chuck与Sarah之间将面临感情和精神上的创伤,对于二人的内心想法都产生了不小的影响。该剧的编剧对于这两人在一起的默契和彼此之间碰撞出的火花也十分看好,因此粉丝们大可期待这两人有一天真正地走到一起。
- 【简介】中世纪和都铎王朝时期,人们对上帝造物的规律深信不疑,他们都深信:男人才可以统治天下,女人根本没这个能力。虽然艰难险阻重重叠叠,但是,中世纪和都铎王朝时代,依然有这么几个女人成功地统治了英格兰。历史学家海伦·卡斯特博士会给我们介绍七名女王,她们挑战了男性权威,激起了大众激烈的反抗情绪,我们一起来看看她们是否符合“…
- Artist Wilfrid Wood met his muse, Theo Adamson, on a gay hook-up app. Over the course of their sessions, what began as an artist-model relationship developed into something more. Now officially BFs (boyfriends), Wilfrid continues to draw Theo regularly and has somewhat effortlessly amassed hundreds of drawings that wer…
- It is an animation movie talking about a strong warrior who was betrayed by his king and imprisoned . After a while a universal evil alien and his evil league members freed the warrior and gave him the power of darkness in addition to his unbelievable strength . Full of anger and revenge for his wife's death , the warr…
- 那个唱着《明爱暗恋补习社》的夏天已过去很久,但她们的手一直牵着。人生中的起起伏伏,好似波峰谷底的曲线。一转眼Twins出道20年,这20载如同青春的时光之旅,这一次伴随着新歌《小小女人》出发,搭乘这趟「20 爱你」号时光飞梭。5月29日20: 00阿Sa蔡卓妍与阿娇钟欣潼一起,在「TMElive超现场」等你来,感受弥足珍贵的友情。