搜索 Winch

  • BBC气象员彼得?吉布斯冲动地回到了他曾经生活和工作过的英国南极调查局哈雷研究站。当时,哈雷研究站在臭氧空洞的发现中起到了重要作用,而今天,它仍然在诸多领域作出了许多重要的发现,例如:人类生活如何受到太阳活动的影响、星际旅行研究、以及人类导致的气候变化所产生的威胁等。彼得此行还肩负着救援的使命,由于冰山移动,哈雷研究站可能…
  • 电影
    Before man ruled the world, Earth was a land of giants. Count down the biggest beasts of their kind to ever roam the planet in this eye-opening original special, and uncover the secret lives of these super-sized species. Birds with plane-length wingspans, dinosaurs rivaling a Boeing 737; this stunning CGI special goes …
  • 夏天的独木舟之旅,成为4个14岁女孩的噩梦。
  • In a disarmingly frank interview, Holocaust survivor Freddie Knoller (now in his 90s) tells his personal story of being a young Jewish man during World War II. Speaking directly to camera and accompanied by extensive archive footage, he relives his past and draws on intense memories to navigate the extraordinary advent…
  • Captain Eric 'Winkle' Brown recounts his flying experiences, encounters with the Nazis and other adventures leading up to and during the Second World War. Illustrated with archive footage and Captain Brown's own photos.
  • 维京史话
    维京人(英语:Viking,丹麦语:Viking,挪威语:Viking,冰岛语:Víkingar)是诺尔斯人的一支 (斯堪的那维亚人),他们是从公元8世纪到11世纪侵扰并殖民欧洲沿海和英国岛屿的探险家,武士,商人和海盗。其足迹遍及从欧洲大陆至北极广阔疆域,欧洲这一时期被称为“维京时期”(Viking Age),在英语中,这个词是从18世纪的传奇故事中引入的…
  • 星际漫步第二季
    When a new villain, Lord Dominator, makes a sudden arrival in the galaxy, Wander tries to make friends with him, while Lord Hater is completely dissatisfied and attempts to top him to be the greatest in the galaxy. Both soon realize this new villain is hard to defeat, and Wander soon learns that not every villain wants…
  • 怪事件档案第一季
    本片深入挖掘那些发生在全球各地的真实离奇事件,这些事件长久以来令科学家困惑。在节目中,知名科学家、权威专家和目击者将提出前所未见的画面,以及当事人对这些离奇经历的生动描述。蓝狗之谜 (Disappearing Pilot and Texas Blue Dogs)村庄莫名起火之谜 (Ghost Yacht and Freaky Fires)冰人的诅咒 (Livestock Muti…
  • 层层透视大都会第一季
  • 星际漫步第一季
    曾出品《飞天小女警》《德克斯特实验室》的著名动画制作人Craig McCracken离开卡通频道,加盟迪士尼之后的首部作品《星际漫步》(Wander Over Yonder),围绕宇宙中一个无忧无虑的流浪者Wander展开。Wander与自己的坐骑Sylvia自由自在地生活着,即便想要称霸宇宙的大反派Lord Hater经常四处作恶,破坏各个星球原本平静的秩序,看似什么也不在乎的…