- 汤姆是一个一塌糊涂的词曲作家,不止他的事业一直处在低谷,就连他帮别人看的房子也出现了一些稀奇古怪的事情---就是这栋房子的地下室发生的事情令人汗毛竖起...一只人类的手掌居然在地下室生长了出来...然后马上发育成了手臂-脑袋-最后长成了一个大活人...汤姆一直在照顾这株"植物",渐渐的变成了他的唯一朋友和监护人.与此同时,汤姆…
- An instructional post-war film on menstruation that will horrify women who couldn't imagine periods without tampons. Thirteen year old Mary is taught what to expect during adolescence. With the aid of a diagram Mary is shown how her body will prepare itself for producing babies and is taught what to expect each month. …