- sm coex新上映的剧场电影,SURROUND VIEWING,是为了exo-l制作的。第一天上映观影的观众们的小礼物是小卡,后面有成员们写的几句和签名,灿烈的是【要和我…去看SURROUND VIEW么~?><】伯贤的是【去看SURROUND VIEW么~?】
- After reading a magazine article about a case of multiple murders 50 years ago, an excited paranormal group sets out to investigate the site where the serial killers lived and where the horrifying crimes occurred. As day turns to night and evidence mounts, they encounter a situation far beyond their control and expecta…
- Valerie Vestron, is looking for a vacation from her life. Her friends have a plan to get her out of the house and get her to a secluded cabin. They plan to throwback some beer, and unwind, ...
- How did a poor Jewish kid from Connecticut bring us Archie Bunker and become one of the most successful television producers ever? Norman Lear brought provocative subjects like war, poverty, and prejudice into 120 million homes every week. He proved that social change was possible through an unlikely prism: laughter. W…