搜索 Winn

  • 年轻的休伯特在城堡之中集结的一小只队伍,为报杀害其领袖之子之仇而卧薪藏胆.而领袖之子就是那位名叫盖的雇佣兵,他的内心灵魂被他在罗切斯特城堡之战犯下的杀戮内疚而淹没,与此同时埋没他灵魂的还有他对凯特迅速萌芽的感觉,而其堂兄是一位久经沙场的士兵,不为上帝和国家而战,为的却是金钱和杀戮的欲望...
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影动作
    A charming guy attempts to pick up a woman in a bar by spinning a tale involving spies, implanted microchips and the dangerous military scientist hunting him.
  • After the fall of Nazi Germany, some of the most sadistic SS officers escapeto South America. There they build a fort where they imprison women andforce them to perform various sexual acts. A group of people who are lookingfor revenge, sends a commando unit to the fort to eradicate the sadists onceand for all.
  • 电影喜剧
    某日,逃课在外面游荡的鲁飞(孙韬杰 饰)遇见了奄奄一息的流浪狗东东,在鲁飞的精心照料之下,东东渐渐恢复了活力,在此过程中,一人一狗之间结下了深厚的友谊。鲁飞偷偷的将东东养在废弃的实验室中,在鲁飞和小伙伴们的帮助下,东东躲过了刻板保守的教导主任(杜晓楠 饰),得以和它喜爱的小主人鲁飞待在一起。鲁飞的爸爸(王雷 饰)很不喜欢…
  • Srikandi is a female figure from the Indian Mahabharata epic that changes gender to live and fight as an equal among men. This character is a role model for eight highly personal perspectives on lesbian, bisexual and transidentity life in Islamic Indonesia. The film, which began as a collective project, moves from pers…
  • Regular on Live At The Apollo and Mock The Week and star of the 2008 Royal Variety Performance, here, Rhod tells the hilarious and slightly ridiculous story of how a chance encounter with a mince pie at a motorway service station finally sent him over the edge.