- 莎拉波娃自传纪录片《The Point》于6月20日登陆iTunes。用莎娃的话来说,这部纪录片将展现其“生活最真实的一面”,是关于她在被禁赛15个月期间的点滴。由于伤病,莎娃将缺席今年的草地赛季。不过球迷们对这部纪录片也很是期待。去年3月,俄罗斯姑娘召开新闻发布会,承认误服禁药。她随后遭到禁赛处罚,最终禁赛期限为15个月,直到今年4月的斯…
- The Catholic Church is trying to save an innocent soul from the ravages of satanic possession. Wave after wave of holy men are sent to confront the possessed.
- 自2009年《千奇百趣》登陆TVB,大受欢迎,每晚10点半,准时发掘新奇事物。新一辑的《千奇百趣Winter Fun》,又跟大家见面啦﹗主持当然仍是合作无间的森美、小仪吧﹗这次换上冬日主题,森美、小仪会带大家再到日本,搜罗当地千奇百趣的新事物。惹笑的他俩,每集均会请来艺人嘉宾大玩游戏,嘉宾们将会分组进行对赛,先欣赏来自日本的千奇百怪奇趣…
- The story of the building and dedication of the Richard D. Winters Leadership monument in Normandy, France in June of 2012. The film focuses on the leader of World War II's "Band of Brothers".Narrated by 2012 Emmy Award-winner Damian Lewis, who played Dick Winters in HBO's Band of Brothers.