- The lives of Dashiell Hammett and Lillian Hellman are set against the golden era of Hollywood, World War II, and the witch hunt of the 50s. This intimate look at the lives of two of this century's literary titans follows their tumultuous affair, drinking bouts, career highs and lows, and political woes.
- WALTER (41) is planning on writing a book about German entrepreneurs. On a spring day he meets the physics student AGNES (28). He is fascinated by her extreme attitude towards life. After reading some of his short stories, Agnes proposes that he writes a story about her. Their love story already begins on their first d…
- From all outside appearances, Mark seems to have the glamorous New York City life that many would envy. Handsome and always impeccably dressed, the charismatic former male model works as a fashion photographer, appears in movies and attends the best parties. When he leaves those events, however, he heads to the East Vi…