- 这一天,手里剑战队忍忍者的各位收到一封不同寻常的邀请函,邀请函来自“梦之忍者大陆”,他们将有望和传说中的忍者会面。怀着激动的心情,伊贺崎天晴(西川俊介 饰)和伙伴出发了。然而他们所乘坐的居然是一列妖怪列车,原来这一切都是妖怪制造的幻觉,无畏的英雄们陷入前所未有的大危机之中。危急关头,他们得到了一直与恶势力作斗争的烈车战…
- Fox 2000最近买下了尚未出版的青少年奇幻小说《The Wonderling》的电影版权,并打算邀请《跳出我天地》、《生死朗读》、《时时刻刻》导演史蒂芬·道德瑞(Stephen Daldry)来执导这部电影。《The Wonderling》小说由Mira Bartok创作,故事发生在未来的一个维多利亚风格的世界。那里被高帽党(High Hats)所统治,而底层居民则是一群半…
- Compilation of some indelible hits by artists we hardly heard from again, at least in a chart sense. Featuring Peter Sarstedt's Where Do You Go To My Lovely? a number one in 1969, a hit he never really matched, Trio's 1982 smash Da Da Da, Phyllis Nelson's 1985 lovers rock-style classic Move Closer, and the New Radicals…
- A department-store window decorator learns there is a vacancy for her dream job in the run-up to Christmas, only to find a professional rival has his eye on it too.