- LaurenPiercehasjustbecomethehigh-schoolTri-StateArcheryChampion.Afterthecompetition,LaurenandherteammateEmilyreturntotheirhotelroomforanightofirresponsiblecelebratorydrinkingthatgrowsintomore.WheninterruptedbyEmily’sabusiveboyfriend,LaurensnapsandbrutallybeatsDaniel.Laurenisthensentencedtoagirls’reformcampParadiseRidge…
- Washed up on a wild island with her father, Juliet, 11 years old, meets an astonishing giant salamander. The animal and its fellows have been vegetating on the nearby small island, surrounded by sharks. The girl and the beast become friends. However the old Isamu warned her: “if the salamanders are freed, they will inv…
- The documentary tells the story of a real estate deal’s unexpected detour — one that sparked the gentrification of Austin’s hippest neighborhood — and reveals layers of knotty, unanswerable questions, all more relevant than ever today.