- 一艘太空巡洋舰坠毁在了黑纳斯星球上,这是一个关押着整个银河系中最邪恶危险罪犯的星际监狱。大部分队员都在这场事故中遇难,全队只剩下飞船的驾驶员——星际英雄马克斯·克劳德,倒霉的厨师杰克和极不配合的指挥官雷克西。他们的任务很简单,那就是等待救援人员的到来,同时尽自己最大的努力阻止监狱中的囚犯登船,然而这可是马克斯·克劳德,…
- Journey To Space unveils a new era of unprecedented deep space exploration in dramatic giant screen film format. It tells the true exciting story of what the next chapter of space exploration holds for both the near- and long-term. “Journey To Space,” presented by The Boeing Company and Toyota, showcases the plans by N…
- Education is a human right that years of war in Afghanistan have reduced to a privilege. Scores of poverty stricken youth have no understanding of what it means to learn something beyond the basic street hustling skills needed for begging, selling, or pickpocketing. This is the result of the decade-long fighting that h…