- 《铁石心肠2019》Tor与母亲寄人篱下,每日生活在水深火热之中备受欺负,最终,母亲郁郁而终,Tor也神秘失踪。十几年后,Tor改名归来,计划掀起滔天巨浪,却遇到年幼时唯一给过他温暖的女生ming,最终用爱抚平了Tor的创伤,真爱战胜了一切。
- Shooting on location in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, director Salar Pashtoonyar uses a thought-provoking yet powerfully humane hybrid of documentary and fiction to delve deep into the experience of a woman forced to the edge of her society.
- 前美军特种部队炸弹专家史蒂芬·阿瑟·杨格正走向一条危险之途,作为穆斯林他不满美国对待阿拉伯国家的政策,于是策划发动恐怖袭击他宣称在三个城市中分别安放了三颗小型原子弹,美国本土危在旦夕。FBI反恐部门女探员海伦·布洛迪负责调查此案,却在紧要关头发现军方以及一个神秘部门介入其中。她的小队连同极度危险的谈判专家亨利·汉弗莱斯受…
- After the death of her daughter and a turn to substance abuse, Raine must confront her grief and determine if she can repair the bond with her son before it’s too late.